We shouldn’t be putting anything labelled ‘junk’ in our body. Just like you wouldn’t put junk petrol in your car or even lawn mower.

As I look back over the different stages of my life and what I have eaten, I’m aware that I have consumed a lot of food that I thought was ‘good for me’. In actual fact, although it may have been advertised as being ‘healthy’ or given to me by my parents who were also misled by the product packaging or fancy messaging, I now know it was far from the ‘healthy’ product it was sold as.

I believe it’s criminal that Companies are allowed to advertise unhealthy food and products, and mislead us by saying they are good for us. I used to believe and trust what I was told.

The pivotal moment for me was realising I would get more nutrients by eating my cereal box than the so called ‘healthy cereal’ that came in it! From then on, I’ve been determined to find out more. I realised I need to take back the power and be more conscious about the choices I was making for myself and my family. I couldn’t trust the Company selling it and took it into my own hands to find out more. These are our bodies we’re talking about! We look after our homes, our gardens, our cars and we need to be doing the same for our own body and the bodies of our children.

It was so empowering REALLY getting to know and understand what I was putting in my body. And it’s not hard to do!

For anyone who wants to feel empowered about the food choices they’re making for themselves and their family, you just need to go back to basics, and start with ingredients. Firstly, the ingredients are always listed in descending order by weight. So if the ingredient list starts with refined grains, sugar, or industrial seed oils (like vegetable or cotton seed oil), you can assume that the product is unhealthy. Also any ingredients list that include numbers like (201) these are preservatives and food additives - which are all completely artificial and usually all chemical & processed ingredients.

This doesn’t mean you can’t have all the things you love. Most of the time, there are ‘healthy swaps’ alternatives to the nasty products out there. We call this ‘healthy swapping’ and at All Good Things Cafe we have all sorts of treats including caramel slice, peanut butter cups and brownies which we make in-house without nasty ingredients like refined sugar, gluten or processed ingredients. To learn more about Healthy Swaps read this blog.

At All Good Things Cafe we have a range of healthy swap products. I love taking this even further by adding as many nutrients to any meal I can and seeing how loaded I can make it. Powering it up with nutrient density. You can do this by adding to LSA, chia seeds, broth cubes and other nutrient dense, omega 3 rich foods to your smoothie. We make a nori seasoning we add to omelette and make sure everything is packed with fresh untreated herbs. We sneak liver into our mince and use tongue instead of ham sometimes to mix the nutrients up. Add what you can where you can. Just get the nutrients in and toxins out.

If you ever want to talk more about this topic reach out, message me, or visit the All Good Things Cafe!


Owner at All Good Things Cafe

02 4229 9439

Cindy Russell